It’s a NEW Year!

Alright friends, I am BACK! For the handful of you that read this or if you’ve stumbled onto this collection of my thoughts and ramblings, I hope 2014 has started out wonderfully for you! As usual, my new year’s resolutions have gotten off to a rough start, but I like to give myself a little freedom at the beginning of January to adjust to what lofty goals I imagine up for myself each year. One thing that I will definitely be doing is posting something new every Sunday! There will be some occasional midweek posts, but there will be at least one post a week-so get excited and hit that subscribe button. I’d hate for anyone to miss out on my upcoming stories of failed dates and awkward make-out stories.

WOW-Highway guy

Every girl knows the feeling of someone checking you out or blatantly watching you. Sometimes it’s flattering, but a lot of the time it’s just creepy. It can be pretty entertaining to see what a guy will do to get your attention. I’ve heard my fair share of ridiculous pick up lines, but I’ll admit that some are just too ridiculous to not laugh at, which sometimes leads to giving the guy a chance to talk to me. Guys, I don’t recommend this, because your chances are very slim, but there is that rare occasion.

A little over two years ago, I was driving on the highway when I noticed a guy checking me out from another car. We kept passing each other, so finally I looked over and noticed he was decently cute. We hit some traffic, so his friend managed to pull up next to me, and the guy unrolled his window to talk to me. As traffic started to speed back up, he asked for my number. I figured why not, so I told him.

A few minutes later, I got this text:

“Hey whats ur name im drew. Ur really pretty!”

Alright, so highway guy was off to a rough start. My inside grammar nerd could hardly stand to read this. He asked if I wanted to go eat with them, but I told him I was meeting up with friends. They had a lot of hay in the truck bed, so I asked why they had so much hay. He said, “Have 9 horses we have to feed if u and ur friends wana ride sometime u should come out”.

I may make some questionable decisions, but that was not going to be one of them. I politely declined and only got a few more texts from him after that. My heart somehow managed to move on… HA! I applaud his nerve to ask for my number. Next time, he should actually spell words correctly and maybe ease into asking a girl to do something, rather than several invites right off the bat. Who knows, maybe that works for him, but it did not work on me. Thanks for the entertainment though, highway guy.


Alright, so in addition to stories of every guy I’ve kissed and funny tinder pictures, I’m going to do “Whoops… oh well” moments, or “WOW” for short. Since some of the strangest/funniest stories didn’t involve a kiss, this will be a way for me to share those as well. My friends get on to me a lot for being too trusting. I look for the best in people and let them prove me wrong. This is a quality that I’m proud to possess, but it can get me into trouble. It has led to some awesome opportunities though, such as NBA players’ parties and the sort.

These Wow moments will range anywhere from an embarrassing story to a weird way I met someone, so bear with me and enjoy my “Whoops… oh well” moments.

My second kiss-part 1

Before I can tell you about my second kiss, I need to tell the backstory. It’s a little long, so I’m going to split it up in two parts. I don’t want to bore you before I can convince you my stories are worth reading 🙂

This story seems a bit too good/too bad to be true, but it is. I promise. The beauty of an anonymous blog is that I can be completely open and honest.

The summer after my senior year of high school, I went to Florida with my church youth group. This was our yearly high school camp, and it was always such a fun week. The seemingly endless bus ride was hard to adjust to, but by my fourth year, I knew how to sleep in horribly awkward positions on or under charter bus seats.

About 200-300 students went every year, and you’d always make incredible friendships by the end of the week. I met this really cute guy during the week, and he looked a bit familiar. It turns out that he was my neighbor! He lived directly behind me, so our backyards were just separated by a fence. He practiced soccer in his backyard a lot, and I loved to lay out and/or read in my backyard. We’d both glanced over a few times, but we’d never actually met. Meeting in FLORIDA was just too bizarre. We instantly hit it off, and did I mention he is really cute? One afternoon, the two of us went out into the ocean and talked for a long time while enjoying the waves. I was in full on crush mode. There was a snack shack down the street from the camp, and a bunch of us, including my neighbor (we’ll call him NB, for neighbor boy). After we all ordered food, he put his wallet in my bag since he didn’t have pockets. When we got back to the camp, everyone went to their rooms to get ready for the night. Being a normal teenage girl, I obviously glanced into his wallet to make sure there wasn’t anything weird. There was no abundance of condoms or weird club membership cards, but there was a picture of a cute girl. A friend had made a comment about NB possibly having a girlfriend, but after spending time with him and getting to know him, it didn’t seem possible. We’d hit it off so well, and he definitely did not act like a guy with a girlfriend.

When trying not to jump to conclusions about this relatively cute girl in his wallet, I brought it up when returning his wallet to him. He was clearly thrown off but calmly answered that it was his girlfriend. As this was over four years ago, I can’t remember the exact details of it all, but he seemed so calm about it all and acted as if it was no big deal. The past several days of spending as much time as possible with him made this all a bit confusing. He later explained that he was in a rough relationship with a girl who was a tad… we’ll say, intense. (She’s crazy)

As the week went along, we still hung out a lot, and he told me a little more about this crazy on-and-off again girlfriend. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him, which made things so complicated since the crazy girl back home was part of the picture too. Now, I’m not a homewrecker, but he was stuck in this awful relationship. I fell for his charm, and he somehow made me believe everything he said. (Hindsight is 20/20)

The senior class gets to stay an extra day and go snorkeling and have a day of bonding and fun without all the other grades. NB is a year younger than me, so he went home with everyone else at the end of the week. When he left, he didn’t get my number. I hoped he would since he was about to get on a bus for about 20 hours, and I knew I’d want to talk to him when I had to make the same long trip the next day.

I’m a bit of a go-getter, so I got his number through a mutual friend and waited to text him later that day. The more we talked, the more I liked him.

Confession: I sometimes screenshot or save important conversations. I’ve been looking at a couple from when NB and I were first getting to know each other. It’s surprisingly hard to think back on it all and remember those feelings. I think that’s part of the reason I’ve been avoiding this post. My first kiss ended up being a bit of a jerk that night, but that was it. My friendship/relationship with NB lasted much longer.

Alright back to the story, once I got back, we went on walks around my neighborhood, talked all night long on the phone, had over-the fence meetings… yes, imagine a cheesy chick flick… We would literally meet at the fence and talk, talk on the phone while looking through the window at each other…. all that ridiculous yet adorable stuff.

Things were going great, but I only had a little time left before going to college… and there was the issue of NB having a girlfriend.

There were a couple times where we’d both sneak out and talk in front of my house, laying on my driveway, talking and looking at the stars. He tried to kiss me one time, but at this point I still hadn’t had my first kiss and didn’t want it to be with a guy who wasn’t 100% single. He had given himself a limit of two weeks where he had to break up with Miss Crazy. She is very over dramatic, and since hearing his side of things, I’ve met a lot of people who knew her and have yet to meet someone with good things to say. I told him that I didn’t want my first kiss to be with someone who had a girlfriend, to which he replied that in two weeks it won’t matter! I told him that in two weeks we could talk about it but for now… NO.

When his deadline was winding down, I didn’t pressure or grill him about it at all. He has a really rocky relationship with his dad, and his dad was all about NB dating Miss Crazy. I think the deadline was to force NB to grow a pair and end a relationship he so desperately wanted to end. All of a sudden, he stopped responding or texting me. The deadline came and went, and I still hadn’t heard from him. I had a couple days before moving to college and really wanted some resolution.

The day before moving to college, I took a break from packing to go to the neighborhood pool to lay out and swim. On my walk there, I turned around to see NB driving by. He pulled over, and even though I was so frustrated, I wanted some answers. He apologized and used his charm to distract me. We went to the pool, and he got the chair next to me. We talked and relaxed until he got a call, causing him to jump up and talk outside the pool area. I could see him pace back and forth past the entrance gate. He came back and told me that Miss Crazy was coming to play tennis (the courts are right by the pool), and he thought it’d be best to move chairs. He said she’d be mad if she saw him sitting by me…. what?! Craaaazy woman.

I saw a girl I knew at the lifeguard stand, so I went over by here, still a bit shocked by NB’s move. She’d witnessed the whole thing and since she went to school with both of them, she gave me a little insight into NB and Miss Crazy’s relationship. Wow it was worse than I thought. The girl is truly crazy. I joked with the lifeguard about going on a run in my sports bra and “accidentally” run by the tennis courts. I can’t even imagine what Miss Crazy would do.

More evidence on Miss Crazy… I put up pictures from camp on facebook and tagged NB in a picture of us. When I woke up the next morning, I had a friend request from her. Normally I wouldn’t accept, but I wanted to creep on her facebook to see if she really seemed as crazy as I heard. A few days later, she sent me a message telling me that she was sure I was a great girl, as NB had nothing but great things to say about me… but I was to never text him, call him, or contact him “ever again”. At this point, nothing had happened, but she didn’t like the fact we lived so close or something? Crazy.

To wrap this long backstory up, I went away to college and would occasionally see the (constantly changing) relationship status update of one of them on my facebook newsfeed and thank God that I got out of that mess.

Now for the story of the what happened next….

Recap-First Kiss

So to recap ( since it was a long post…

After midnight on my 19th birthday, I picked up a friend who I didn’t realize was as drunk as he was…. I was very naive and also in the stage of liking someone where I wouldn’t have noticed a neon sign above his head pointing out any flaws. We made out… a lot, then he ended the night by telling me it probably wouldn’t have happened had he not been drunk. Whether or not it was due to the fact it was my first kiss and he was drunk, it was a great birthday gift… not really.

What this did do was open my eyes to how much I looooove making out

Tinder-part 2 ‎

Here’s an update with some new quality guys on tinder… Enjoy


“Nothing special, just me. If you don’t know me, perhaps you should. Your world would be a better place.”



My first kiss

I grew up pretty sheltered. My parents don’t drink or smoke or cuss, and I rarely encountered any of those things. My faith is a very important part of my life, although since going to college, it has changed a bit. It has become my own, rather than just being what my parents or siblings believed. I went to a small private school from pre-kindergarten through senior year, so my male classmates were either like brothers to me, drove me crazy, or simply were not my type… even though I don’t think I have a “type”. Whatever-basically, it wasn’t happening.

Yes, I knew guys from other schools and from church, but I never dated in high school. Sure I had my run in fifth and sixth grade when dating began and ended with a note passed in class. I definitely had liked several different guys during this time, but for one reason or another, it just didn’t happen. Since I’d waited so long to date anyone, I figured I should also wait to kiss anyone. Intentional or not, on the first day of college, I was a never been kissed virgin with very high morals who had never drank or smoked, nor had the desire to.

I went to frat parties every week and had so much fun. Over time, people knew not to offer me a drink, but everyone was cool about it. They knew I wasn’t judgmental (like some other people from my old school) and that I could have a lot of fun without the help of alcohol. I was the DD (designated driver) a lot, which honestly was a lot of fun. Some of my funniest memories stem from those experiences. A funny one that comes to mind while writing this:

I was taking a friend of mine from high school back to the dorms after he and the other people in my car had their fair share of beer and who knows what at a party. When dropping everyone off, my friend told me, “I would kiss you right now, but you’ve never been kissed, and I’m as drunk as a skunkkkkkk”. In his drunken stupor, he managed to respect me enough to know that wouldn’t be an ideal first kiss. It was so funny, especially if you knew him. Now the fact I hadn’t kissed anyone wasn’t super public, but it wasn’t something I was ashamed of. He had been a friend since freshmen year of high school and knew me really well.

Fast forward to second semester of freshman year…

I had been texting with this guy for a couple weeks, who I was really starting to like. He was really close with one of my new good friends from my sorority, who lived on my floor. He took her to a date party, and another one of their friends took me. The four of us went together, and it was pretty fun… it was an alumni banquet, so it was totally different than what I’d expected. Also, I borrowed a dress from a girl on my hall. Somehow I didn’t realize until putting it on the night of the date party that although we were similar in size, we were VERY different in bra size. My boobs felt like they were falling out. If I pulled it up to be a little more modest, it was borderline too short. It was too late to find another dress, so I just went with it, tugging and adjusting throughout the night, so my date’s parents, who were sitting across from us at the alum dinner, didn’t get flashed anytime I reached for my water. The four of us hung out after the date party (and after I had a chance to change), and I really started liking this guy. We’ll call him “the first” or TF. The first and I hung out several other times after that, and it was always so fun. We went to a party at his friend’s house one night, and as we were leaving, I decided to drive since he was drunk. The problem… he drove a stick shift… I don’t. So here we are, driving back to the dorms, he’s drunk, and I’ve never driven stick. Being so drunk, he was a horrible teacher-well, that and I’m hopeless when it comes to stick shifts. Needless to say, we stalled sooooo many times on main streets, and I’m surprised we weren’t pulled over. It was stressful but so funny, and I was so relieved when we made it back safely.

I got a call from him the night before my birthday, and he needed a ride home. He’d gone to a party with some friends and wanted to leave but hadn’t driven. It was pretty late, and I think it was already technically my birthday. I picked him up, and we decided to go to the student union where there’s a restaurant open 24/7. It serves a random assortment of food from cereal and muffins to grilled sandwiches. After we got some chicken strips, he moved to sit on the same side of the booth as me and was definitely much friendlier than before and a bit more hands-on. We decided to leave, and while walking outside to my car, holding hands, he pulled me close and kissed me. I was so surprised but loved it. I also didn’t want to be the weird people making out in front of the union. We got back in my car and kissed a little more. After driving around a bit, we ended up stopping in a random nearby neighborhood, and the make out session began. Fast forward a bit, and I’m straddling him in the passenger seat, making out like it’s our job. Someone walked by my car (it was like 3am… very weird), so we decided to call it a night. He lived in a different dorm building than me, so I went to drop him off. We talked quite a bit in the parking lot, which is when I realized how drunk he was. He’d totally played it off, and I was still very naive. We talked and talked, and after a long time basically came to the conclusion that it might not have happened if he’d been sober. There was a bit more, but that’s the bottom line of it-at least that’s what I interpreted his ramblings to mean. Well this was a huge slap in the face… and ON MY BIRTHDAY! I left, so upset, and went back to my dorm. We didn’t talk much after this. I ran into him at a date party a few days later, and we talked briefly. It was a toga party, and having his nasty chest hair near eye-level helped me get over him fast.

However, it made me realize how much I loved making out.

Oh and he refused to believe it was my first kiss, which was quite the compliment-and one that I received from the first few guys I made out with. They all called me out on lying about my inexperience, so I guess this is one of those innate gifts I have… too bad I can’t put that on my resume.

Until next time!


I have a horrible sleep schedule… or lack thereof, so sometimes when I can’t sleep, I get on the app “Tinder”. Tinder is an online dating app of sorts. It shows you a picture of someone with their first name, age, number of shared friends, and number of shared interests. At this point, you can click on the X or swipe left, meaning you don’t like them, or you can click on the or swipe right, meaning you are interested. If two people both swipe right, tinder matches you up and allows you to chat. It’s a clever app because you can only talk to with people who have shown mutual interest. Before swiping right or left, you can click on their picture to see up to four more pictures, their distance from you (in miles), last time they logged on, and which mutual friends and interests you have on facebook. You can edit your settings to show males and/or females, the search distance (1-100 miles), and age range (18-50+).

I am so amused by some of the people on there, but I have occasionally found cute, seemingly normal guys. When I stumble upon one of the “quality” odd ones, I sometimes will screenshot it and send it to one of my friends. I thought that this would be a nice platform to share some of the funny ones.

If you somehow stumble upon this blog and see your picture, feel honored! If you reaaaaally want me to take it down, let me know, and I will.

